Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Flashbus

Flashbus 2

Yesterday I attended the St. Louis iteration of The Flashbus tour, as I mentioned in Sunday's post. Two master photographers, David Hobby and Joe McNally, spent a very intense day of show and tell on the subject of lighting with small flashes. They are very sophisticated these days (and so are the lights). The problem is you need at least two or three of them to do this stuff.

These techniques don't stick in my brain well unless I get out and use then. That's hard, since I'm mostly a street shooter. We'll see.

Flashbus 1

So, do you give a hoot about what was across the street from the bus? It's on Downtown St. Louis 365.

2011-04-18 Old Courthouse BW


Olivier said...

cela doit être intéressant a suivre comme conférence, mais pas facile a mettre en place.

Olivier said...

j'ai pas trouve de photos sur internet ;(

Virginia said...

WEll if you had a hard time it's a good thing I wasn't on that bus. I'd have been the flunkey for sure! Did they hold the classes in that bus B?

Birdman said...

Flash Bus? Talk about something punny! hahahaha Leave it to photographers to have some fun.