Thursday, September 6, 2007

Go Will!

I love signs! (I've got my eye on a couple of other ones in my neighborhood for upcoming posts.) This one is on a stretch of Manchester Road that I don't travel down very often; I happened to spot it on the way to see my friend Will DJing at a bar one night. I told him I'd snap it the next time I drove by... after taking some unsucessful shots of it in darkness, I left for work early one day to get it in the dawn light.


Eric said...

LOL. Excellent!

U "R" Us AKA Captain Crowe said...

Yes! Go Will! Get the hell out of St. Louis! Just kidding. It will be nice to have an excuse to visit SF with him there. Holla down I-55 sistah. Nice shot(s).

Chandlermom said...

I hope a depressed guy named Will sees it as a sign just for him!

ShadowyOne said...

Well, I did personally nab the shot to give to a guy named Will; I suppose it's philanthropic to hope that all guys named Will might be cheered by seeing it.

Sasha said...

lol! Very cute. Which stretch of Manchester? I think perhaps I drove by it when driving a friend around when her car was broken down. Although really most all Goodwills look the same, so I suppose it doesn't matter much. Idle curiosity and a bit of procrastination on my part.

Ming the Merciless said...

HAHA! Love it!!

Imagine if only the one O is not lit and you have GOD WILL.

Now, that would be divine intervention.