Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday Arch Series

The Thursday Arch Series is back after its and my vacation. Sometimes I wonder how long the Arch will be here, catching the setting sun in its arms as in this picture. Far longer than me, I hope, waiting to share its beauty with future generations.

TOMORROW: I hate (American) football


Lynette said...

Oh, wow. I love this photo! It brings back vivid memories of riding to the top years ago with a bunch of 5th grade boys. We were on a field trip from Jackson, Miss. I had to take Dramamine for the motion, plus I have a fear of heights. I made it to the top, and wouldn't take anything at all in its place.

Olivier said...

le retour de la serie, encore une magnifique perspective de cette arche, et je trouve vraiment que le b&w lui va tres bien.
Je ne serais pas la pour te repondre demain, mais j'adore le foot us ;o)

the return of the series, still a splendid prospect for this arch, and I really find that the b&w suits him very well.
I would not be to answer you tomorrow, but I adore the foot us ;O)

• Eliane • said...

The b&w gives it a surreal look. I love this structure. How would you qualify it? Is is a "building" or a "monument".

I am looking forward to tomorrow post! Maybe I am not the only one who has not the slightest clue what those big guys are doing running from one stripe to the next and back?

And thank you for visiting your little blog and taking the time to comment. :) This blog thing is a family affair! How nice!!

Bob Crowe said...

Thank you all for your kind comments. Elaine: monument would be a more appropriate word. Officially, the Arch and surrounding parkland is called the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, commemorating the westward growth of the U.S. from the time of the Louisiana Purchase (in 1803?) during the administration of Thomas Jefferson. The header for my blog has a more standard view of the Arch. I shot that picture from E. St. Louis, Illinois, looking west across the Mississippi River in morning light.

Sasha said...

I do believe it was 1803, though 1806 just popped into my mind. And since I'm constantly thirsting for knowledge I'm gonna go Google it. Yep, 1803!

Anyways, very striking photo of the Arch, as always!

Mike's Travels said...

Sure is beautiful.

Courtland said...

Fantastic photograph!