And about that photo competition: I got my butt kicked in the third of six rounds with this picture against roadside daisies, despite having packed the crowd of 50 with 14 supporters. Well chacun à son goût or de gustibus non est disputandum or however you would like to put it. My stuff can be a little too edgy for a general audience. Onward, and to thine own self be true.
Interesting composition here.
- Mindless Mumbai
belle composition, bien vu cet angle
I was near the door when your first photo came up and I'm not sure if you heard it but there were some delighted and impressed noises from that crowd. I'm not sure how the area on the floor and chairs, which I assume was more comprised of photographers, reacted but from those of us non-photographers there was definitely some audible praise. I realize praise from a jury of your peers has a certain quality to it, but that also can be a fickle and biased animal to say the least. I think your arch related stuff still continues to be some of your best for whatever reason, and seeing people's reactions tonight just underscored this for me. To thine own self be true indeed, but also if you are lucky enough to have something that an audience likes don't diminish that by feeling the need to dance to someone else's (read: peers) drum.
Very impressive, very dramatic. Great shot, Bob. I like your arch series very much.
I leave your text to feel the abstract... a sensitive one.
I think this shot is brilliant. And I'm sad to hear that your work wasn't singled out for an award last night but we sing your praises pretty much every day and I guess that will have to be enough until next time.
"We was robbed!"
Anonymous is right. You just keep doing what you do so well. And for the record, I voted for that photo so I'm pretty sure you won't be asking my opinion again! :)
That's a fine shot today BTW.
The compo it´s fantastic pure minimalism!!
Incredible! Your Arch series photos astound me.
The representational made abstract. Kudos.
I don't mind saying it again and again, your Thursday arch series is your chef d'oeuvre Bob. This one is so perfectly composed - another gem.
I don't care that you got kicked out of whatever stupid competition it was (I'm off to follow the link now)- I am absolutely convinced that your arch series is the master project you will be remembered for (yuk, this sounds like an eulogy ! That's not what it was meant to be, but you get the idea)
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