WHAT I'M FINALLY USING: Photoshop CS4. I've had the new version on my computer for two or three months but I've been intimidated about using it - there are some important changes. However, I got the excellent, concise book, Adobe Photoshop CS4: Up To Speed by Ben Willmore, which is only about what's changed since CS3. Very, very useful. Lots of good new features in CS4. Wow, is the sharpening better!
TOMORROW: We accuse Santa!
j'aime bien les patinoires dehors, cela commence a venir en France, cela fait de beaux spectacles et de belles photos.
I like skating rinks outside, it starts to come in France, it is fine performances and beautiful pictures.
Is that what you used to help my photos? Again, thanks for spiffing mine up. I am ready to get a flash that swivels. The pop up or the lack of using the pop up has ruined too many photos.
these are great today. My fav is the one of the two little guys helping each other. Perfecto.
Oh I am back. Just saw where you asked Jilly if the grand roue is up at Place de la Concorde??? Well Mr. Crowe, if you ever stopped by my Paris blog you would know that detail- HA Busted big time!!!!
It sure is and I have a damn good photo to prove it. It's at night and it is NOT blurry for once.
The people in the top photo all look so relaxed. I tried ice skating once and found it to be like trying to stand up on a magic carpet. Yikes!
I know Santa's real. I saw him in the bar at the ski lodge last weekend. Well, OK I saw him FROM the bar. He was giving out candy canes to all the kiddies. I stuck with the bar's offerings.
I am 43 years old and I proudly believe in Santa!
I read Jeff Guinn's "The Autobiography of Santa Claus" to my kids each year and LOVE it.
Note, it says "AUTO" biography! :)
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