Irish Football, St. Louis Style
On Sunday afternoon, I was driving around Forest Park, St. Louis' great urban green space, looking for something to shoot. Bingo! I think this is Irish football. The ball was labeled Gaelic Gear and one team's jerseys had the name Kerry Patch. I'd appreciate verification from Celtic sports fans. The closest I've come to Irish football myself is buying a hat in Ennis, Ireland, for the County Clare side. That's the part of western Ireland my grandfather left in the late 19th Century to seek his fortune in New York.
Neato. What part of the park was this in?
tu joues au soccer ? hier soir à la television française, il y avait un documentaire sur les grandes heures du cosmos de new-york. revoir Pele, Beckenbauer, and co, superbe
you cheeks with the soccer? yesterday evening on television French, there was documentary over the great hours of the cosmos of New York. to re-examine Pele, Beckenbauer, and Co, superb
Nice photos. You caught all the action and some really odd-looking facial expressions.
Brookville Daily Photo
From time to time there are matches between Gaelic football players, and Australian Rules footy players - two codes unique to their own countries, but having some things in common!
In Australia, cricket season is coming.
Sydney Daily Photo
Now I've been introduced to Irish football. Great post.
Great action shots!
Today I have the Red Arrows
South Shields Daily Photo
Super shots! Thanks ro sharing.
Wonderful, really like the facial expressions.
Love the first photo. Wonderful action shot.
It was a Gaelic football game between the Dogtown club in the red jersies and the Kerry Patch club in the green. Both are members of the St. Louis Hurling club,( ) We play at Forest Park in St.Louis behind the Dwight Davis Tennis Courts on Sunday afternoons
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