Saturday, March 3, 2012


2012-02-25 Garage Roof 2

Late afternoon, looking straight down from my office window at the garage next door. This was taken on our Presidents Day holiday when downtown was quiet. Our city center doesn't have the density and fizz I'd like from an urban core but it tries real hard.

There is a goofy downtown event today that I hope to shoot. Evidence tomorrow.

2012-02-25 Garage Roof 3


s.c said...

Real great compositions and strong by less is more. The famous words from Mies van der Rohe. Like it.

Pat said...

Excellent photo....but what time is it? ;<)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Tres imaginative composition Bob!

Birdman said...

Pretty creative shot.

cieldequimper said...

I'd be at that office window taking photos all day long...

William Kendall said...

Oh, I like it!

Anonymous said...

It would really be cool if it were 10AM when you took the picture but being as you didn't mention that fact, I doubt it was. Neat shot nevertheless.

b.c. said...

i love them, great shots!!

Nathalie said...

Looks like you and I have similar views :)