Tennessee In Missouri
There are a number of prominent figures in the arts who are from St. Louis or had a significant connection to it. Tennessee Williams was born in Mississippi but his family moved here when he was seven. He went to University City High School, the University of Missouri and Washington University in St Louis. Then it was outta here. This intriguing bust-and-more is on the corner of Euclid and McPherson in the Central West End.
A PS: some readers have asked for information about the artwork itself. You can find it here.
WHAT NEW PLACE I WENT TO SHOOT AT YESTERDAY: there are a couple of big, old, ornate cemeteries in a part of town I never have reason to go, Finally got up there. They have some well known residents.
TOMORROW: underground Tennessee and a new Arch photo on Gateway.
I like Tennessee Williams and this is an excellent sculpture of him. Nice photo.
I don't remember ever seeing this but I do seem to remember a star on the sidewalk in University City.
That's a very fine sculpture of Tennessee Williams. I hadn't realised he moved to St. Louis. Fine, fine writer.
That's a brilliant photo - I think it works really well in B&W. The sculpture reminds me a bit of the Oscar Wilde sculpture in London near Charing Cross. Not the style, but his expression I think.
I'm with Jackie. The prominent subject against the blurred soft focus background is a treat. You can take superb natural images when you want too.
Wonderful portrait, the black and white is great. Your new camera at work here?
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