WHAT'S ON FOR TONIGHT: going to the Cardinals baseball game with my daughter, son in law and his parents who are up from Houston. I don't have time to go but I'm going anyway.
TOMORROW: two last pictures from Kansas. 1) a Pontiac; 2) a cheap shot, picture-postcard, Photoshop-steroid-enhanced image of a Kansas sunset. Oooh. Aaah.
c'est magnifique, on dirait une peinture.
it is beautiful, it looks like a painting.
Gee whiz. I don't see anything wrong with post card pictures. I shoot them all the time and they pay better than pictures of rusty nails.
I also write stories and get paid for them and use a lot of photos that would qualify as post cards in the stories.
Your photo is certainly better than most post card photos I get to see shot by other people. It would look great on a calendar.
Wonderful! Thanks
I've been to the top of the arch and I'll always remember the view, and being able to see under and to the backside -- if I remember correctly. It was such a long time ago. Love the series.
That's a darn good postcard picture if I may say so. That dark green water and white arch is great. I like that you showed the reflecting pools, never knew they were there! Will love to see what you did with the Pontiac
That is a beautiful shot. I know it's not easy to get a shot of the whole arch framed so beautifully.
I agree with Abraham, nothing wrong with an occasional postcard photo. We all make them (though not many are as skilled as you) and lots of people enjoy them. Thanks for more Thursday satisfaction!
Wow. Nothing wrong with a postcard type shot when it's this good. (OK this was my original thought before I started reading all the above comments!) I LOVE YOUR ARCH Thursdays.
If by "postcard" you mean "not strange" then yes, it is postcard, and it is very well composed.
I also trap myself in the "don't! have! time! dammit!" loop, but I make time for the things I think are important in my life. Have fun at that game with your very-important-to-you family!
Some "cliché" could be masterpieces, your postcard also.
Oh wow! Please remember that for those of us who've never been to St Louis and have no access to postcards, your photo is an absolute novelty - and a stunning one.
Thanks for that!
I loved the humor in yesterday's post. Mental maturity at age nine is something I'd love to know more about. Don't worry too much about lack of comments on other blogs, we know how hard it is to maintain a rhythm of daily posting already. If you just come over for a quick look from time to time it'll be great.
We are delivering our son to Wash U for his freshman year in about a weeks time. Could you please arrange to have this picture perfect day for our arrival? Amazingly beautiful. Hope we can find this spot.
It's nice to see it differently. I admire you to show it in a different way each time.
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