There are old commercial areas north and south of the park the Arch sits in. Few people are around on weekends but I'm often there. It's quiet and uncrowded and there are interesting things to see. This is the empty street under I 55 just before it runs up onto the bridge to Illinois (the one in Friday's post). It's dim and shadowy. The features are not distinct. HDR turns it into an glowing arcade.
WHAT SATISFIED MY OPERA LUST LAST NIGHT: our smaller local company, Union Avenue Opera, is doing Carmen. She's so baaad, she's fabulous. And that Don Jose - what a sap! Si je t'aime, prend garde a toi!
TOMORROW: who said this town is a provincial backwater?

WHAT SATISFIED MY OPERA LUST LAST NIGHT: our smaller local company, Union Avenue Opera, is doing Carmen. She's so baaad, she's fabulous. And that Don Jose - what a sap! Si je t'aime, prend garde a toi!
TOMORROW: who said this town is a provincial backwater?
This looks like the place where the "mole-people" hang out.
I am so impressed with your HDR photos. I might have to investigate experimenting with it. You are so right. There is a glow to this photo.
Your "under the viaduct" photos are much more interesting than mine. Good job.
What fabulous perspective. What a super, stylish bridge.
Thanks for your comment on the cat the other day. Made me realise I cropped it too night. Good lesson. I might replace it with the same pic, less cropping. Thanks Strangetastes.
Left your fair city this morning. Thanks for arranging that rainbow over the arch last night just as we arrived downtown! It was spectacular! Being a regular visitor to your blog, I was able to point out to my husband just high how the waters had risen this spring. I also saw the coolest thing at the foot of the arch. It was already dark and a group of 5 or 6 photographers with their huge cameras and tripods were assembled there. One gentleman was standing only a foot or so from it, taking an extreme closeup. The arch was shining brilliantly and he and his equipment cast the most interesting shadow upon it. I thought of you.
superbe, on dirait un tunnel sans fin, qui va vers une autre dimension.
superb, it looks like an endless tunnel, which goes to another dimension.
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