Where does your water come from? Sometimes people know, sometimes not. We get ours from the Missouri River, I think, not the Mississippi, although this pumping station is along the latter. The levels of both streams are at a near-record low. There's been no talk of this affecting our supply. Hope it stays that way.
The building has a sort of 1930s sci-fi look that I enjoy.
The building has a sort of 1930s sci-fi look that I enjoy.
I think we get most of our water from collected rainwater in dams and when that run low, like now, there are desalination plants that purify sea water. Interesting question though Bob, will be interesting to see how many people do know!
We get ours from the Mighty Colorado just a short 200 miles away and from the Salt River. Of course, we need the snow in Colorado and NE Arizona.
So where are the aliens?
I crossed the Mississippi last week on my way to Illinois and I couldn't below how low the water was.
It looks very stark.
Seems like you and I have been together so long that the river has risen and flooded and now you say you're at a low. Gotta love Motha Nature.
WE have two main water supply's in my municipality. MY water comes from a place just a few kilometres away. It is called Pålamalm. It's both a water protection area and a nature reserve.
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