Monday, September 8, 2008

St. Louis Art Fair

This weekend brought us the annual St. Louis Art Fair. Quite an event. Not just any riffraff gets to display work - only a small percentage of applicants are accepted. For me, a lot of the stuff on display shows a high degree of craftsmanship but is aimed at a mass audience (the artists do have to make a living). If I see one more photographer with pictures of Paris, Venice or various colorful places in the American Southwest I'm gonna scream. I swear, I will. However, each year there are a few original gems. The airborne dancers or acrobats above are an example. It would be hard to find a place to install them in your home unless you have a big yard. I think they are magical.

WHAT I REALLY SHOULD DO: throttle back my photography addiction, work harder and make more money to feel my habit (not to mention household expenses). Contact me in a week and see if I succeeded.

TOMORROW: Art Fair? Hispanic Festival? Not even I know.


Stefan Jansson said...

Great art is is. They do look a bit on the big side so I'd place mine in the garden!

Virginia said...

Now those would drive the squirrels crazy.

Knoxville Girl said...

Or maybe you could install it indoors if you have reeeeally high ceilings.
I like the angle and framing of your photo - they're floating down to earth.

angela said...

From the thumbnails I thought these were acrobats...I think they're very original and would certainly give them garden room..

Anonymous said...

wow! i'd love to have something like this in my city. so interesting.

Tash said...

Love the see-thru aspect of the sculptures. I was looking thru your trip photos of Pacific NW...seems like we visited almost the same spots. I've known Seattle is so picturesque but I was thrilled to discover the beauty of Tacoma. This shot includes a bit of the cone (

Olivier said...

mi anges, mi danseurs, c'est vraiment magnifique.
mid angels, mid dancers, it's really beautiful.

Jane Hards Photography said...

On a purely selfish note please don't throttle the photography addiction. You produce highly original work which I enjoy viewing. This is surreal and wonderful.

Mandy said...

These are exceptional works of art.