I didn't get around to shooting any book or bookstores so more detail from St. Louis' neglected Soldiers Memorial Here's another section and a larger part. I like the overblown but muscular and self-confident style of the sculpture, so typical of American public art during the Depression. This horse would be banned from all sports competition today for whatever it must be taking but it exudes power, a feeling the country needed when it was down and out.
WHAT I BOUGHT ONLINE TODAY: opera tickets for Valentine's Day, while we're on a little winter getaway. It's The Magic Flute. Not really romantic but sweet, charming and uplifting. Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja...
TOMORROW: not sure. It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend here so I may shoot this building some more.
WHAT I BOUGHT ONLINE TODAY: opera tickets for Valentine's Day, while we're on a little winter getaway. It's The Magic Flute. Not really romantic but sweet, charming and uplifting. Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja...
TOMORROW: not sure. It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend here so I may shoot this building some more.
A nice photo in black and white.
I forgot about theme day today so I just found some of the books I wrote and took a photo and published that. Too late to be included in the group but it worked for me. LOL
Beautiful statue. I especially like the bottom one with the flowers included. Opera for V. Day sounds like the perfect thing to do! Enjoy
Hey ST, I've nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger award. Drop by GDP to see how it works and pass it on! Cheers.
You've found a perfect subject for a black & white study, ST. Since you didn't participate for theme day why don't you tell us what you're reading...unless it's just TOO strange!
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