Back at the Mardi Gras parade on a cold, snowy February day. Some people are really ready to let it out and show it off. Click this picture for a larger version and look at the words on the masking tape stuck to his jacket: "HEY POINT [a local radio station and sponsor of the parade] CHECK OUT MY TATTOOZ." Then examine the fine craftsmanship on his back and belly, with the radio station's frequency written with a Sharpie, I guess, over his flaming navel. And I want to tell you, it was cold.
YUK! and on a pimply back too. Can you imagine what that'll look like when he's 80....
surprenant tatouage, moi qui deja tourne de l'oeil quand on me fait une petite prise de sang ;o)
Bon weekend de pâques
surprising tattooing, me which already turns of the eye when one makes me a small blood test; O) Good weekend of Easter
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