I seem to have found my way back to the baseball stadium. Outside the northwest corner are statues of the Cardinals who have been inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame. Don't remember who this old batsman was but he seems intent on breaking some windows of the Bank of America building, sometimes known locally as the Darth Vader Tower (the glass exterior is black). Note to visitors from other countries: this is not our country's national bank. That is the Federal Reserve. There is a regional branch of the Fed a few blocks away. Bank of America is a very, very large private bank whose name was recommended by the famous consultants, Hubris Associates.
A digression: the Fed's web site has a truly bizarre kid's page. The more tots know about monetary policy, the better off we will all be.
The older building in the bottom center was once the regional headquarters of AT&T, which split into Southwestern Bell and the other so-called Baby Bells, which then became SBC but sometimes Cingular, all of which passed through a worm tunnel in a black hole and was transformed into, voilá, AT&T. No, I certainly don't get it but see Stephen Colbert's incisive analysis of the process.
yes, I really like your B/W pictures!
Great shot and wonderful composition!
I’m sure the kids are all thrilled learning about the members of the Board of Governors... ;)
Thanks for visiting NYDP. Yes, the 7 train photo was taken in Sunnyside. Good eye.
Great post today. Witty and educational. I went to the Fed.Reserve Kid's Page. I'm not quite sure what to make of it :)
the picture is superb.
have a great weekend.
fantastic shot....nice!
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