I got out in the heat and walked around Strassenfest for a couple of hours Saturday afternoon. St. Louis has a large German population (think Anheuser-Busch) and they put on an annual street festival in the most miserable part of August. Carnival rides, beer, bratwurst, craft vendors, beer, games of purported skill, oom-oah bands, beer, men in lederhosen and ladies in dirndl dresses and beer (and maybe spam, eggs, bacon, cheese, spam and spam). Meine Damen und Herren, bottoms up.
Notice the trumpet player's lips, dented from his embouchure.
These images and their narratives are wonderful. They make one want to pencil in St. Louis for a visit.
This is a great portrait! Love the man's face and facial expression with instrument and lederhosen. Very nice!
Think back to your youth when heat and cold and wet and dry were like bread and butter. You didn't mind. It is only, it seems to me, when we get old, grey, wrinkled, flabby, wise, and wicked that things begin to bother everything from our aching joints to our love lives. And listening to some nice-looking old man in shorts play on a trumpet should be like Christmas in December. The beer and pretzels and sausage sandwiches are a bonus.
All of that, plus, a young camera bug taking pictures makes a perfect day in St Louis. Wonderful day, and very nice shot.
Abraham Lincoln
About ?
When I was a little girl my parents returned from Germany with some lederhosen for the kids. I wonder whatever happened to those clothes. Could they be in the attic still? Um . . .
This is an awesome photo...what a face!
A very beautiful photograph, of a very beautiful character… this man with one lived, that this sees ..... Thank you to have shown it to us
One of my favorit pictures today...I put a link from my blog
what a wonderful portrait! I love it!
This is an awesome photo! (Do they even say awesome anymore?)
I really like how you captured him.
Great portrait! What a wonderful face and expression. My husband the woodcarver is always looking for inspirational faces - this would have been an awesome one.
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