Tuesday, July 10, 2012

All You Need Is Love

2012 Pridefest Parade 51

The crowd was thick in front of the venomous anti-gay demonstrators at the Pridefest parade. I had to dodge and weave through people to get angles to shoot. The feeling was getting tense. Although the police were nearby there could have been a nasty confrontation. It was then I heard a chant from a few people that quickly spread to everyone in the area: no hate, no hate, no hate . . .

It was infectious. The marchers gathered in groups to have their pictures taken in front of Kansas' worst, full of smiles and laughter. They mocked the demonstrators with their joy. The atmosphere on opposite sides of the yellow police line was, well, something like heaven and hell. Peace, love and tolerance won the day. We don't get to say that often enough.

2012 Pridefest Parade 52


Olivier said...

bien vu la deuxième photo, et dans cette ambiance cela ne devait pas être facile.
Cette photo est une bonne reaction et une bonne reponse contre la haine des anti-gay

cieldequimper said...

Oh the look of disgust...

I may have got it wrong but isn't Christianity (meant to be) about love (and tolerance)?

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Good captures. Non-violence won the day. As well as the Beatles song that is now playing in my head.

Birdman said...

Some people in life just can not be explained. They give a black eye to religion.

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

I feel the most sorry for the children who are raised by intolerant people.

Anonymous said...

Scarey people. The ones holding the signs.

Virginia said...

Great post. Glad the positives won this round. There are some very scary people out there B.


William Kendall said...

There's a whole lot of hate coming out of Westboro. I feel sorry for the people who live near Hate Central, having Phelps and his cabal in their town.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Yay..love always wins in the end..and I too am humming ..all you need is love, all together now...!!