Do you have Hooters in your country? No? Count yourself lucky. Really, really bad taste, and it tastes bad, too. If you're American, you know. The only time I ever ate there was when this downtown branch was about to open. A lawyer friend and I, both working on Saturday (again) were going to lunch when a lackey out on the street offered us free eats on their "shakedown" day. Free lunch? Why not? Well - grease deep fried in grease, burgers-fries-shrimp dripping a form of Penzoil licensed for human consumption. It was disgusting, We couldn't finish it. All served up by buxom young ladies in spray-on tee shirts (hence the name) and shorts, just too sad for words. BUT the company is concerned about what happens to our children in the dead of night. The kiddies can't go in at the witching hour to have their minds and arteries poisoned without adult supervision.
I'm not a die-hard feminist; I appreciate it when a guy pulls out a chair for me or opens a door.
But I wonder if those girls are really aware of how demeaning it is to work dressed (or undressed) like that.
Ramble, ramble...
We have them in Phoenix and I'm proud to say I've never stepped inside. At least two times I've turned down invitations for work group lunches because they were going here. Like you said, the bad taste doesn't end at the food.
To the best of my knowledge Hooters has not made it to Vermont.
I had a colleague whose daughter worked there in Auuburn. She announced to everyone at the lunch table that yes her daughter worked there but, "it isn't like all the other Hooters". Everyone just looked at her and shook their heads. I'm trying to picture you in Hooters Bob. It's not coming to me!
Whoa, nice portrait B!!!
Nice new photo of yourself monsieur l'avocat. You sure everyone knows what capisce means?!
I've never even seen a Hooters. Are Americans who are 18 years old still children or legally adults? The sign is slightly confusing...
In response this photo, I quote Amy Poehler and Seth Meyer from SNL Weekend News Update: "Really?!? Really!"
PS: Love the new profile photo!
It's Carol King... you were close. And yes, that cat rules the roost here. Speaking of ruling the roost, you are looking quite commanding in your new bio shot.
Great personal statement, Bob.
I was taking some journalism courses once and I was asked to do a piece on Hooters so I went inside to see what the fuss was all about and saw the placards on the wall, don't know if they still use those, and rapidly lost interest. And around here they think of themselves as "family fare". Sheesh!
Thanks for your comments, particularly about the new profile photo. I'm taking an online course in off-camera lighting technique. This picture was taken for an assignment. My 1,000th post will come around in mid-December and I hope to have a new banner for the event.
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