These two do appear like guards on the hilltop. The thought made me notice something about the statue of St. Louie. He's looking to the left. That's a theme in some Euro-American sculpture, Michaelangelo's David being the best known example. A statue of a heroic figure looks for danger to the left because the right is protected by God. The saint-king's sword in the form of a cross, held in his right hand, takes the idea further. The snowman, not knowing any better, stares straight ahead, searching the horizon for hot chocolate.

Snow, drizzle. Hmm. But the snowman is fun! :)
Thanks for stopping by Fort Lauderdale, too. No snow here, I am happy to report!
Funny perspective.
What a hoot!
Not wild about snow, myself. But, as long as I don't have to be out in it, let it snow!
Love the photos; totally different but equally spectacular.
Awesome perspective and your photo made me smile. Well done.
Twin Cities Daily Photo
The railway bridge was installed with lights few weeks ago and I suppose it is permanently. During winter it is dark from five p.m. till nine a.m.
P.S. What a fascinating portrait of St. Nicolas and the girl!!!
superbe ce garde ;o))
This superb guard ;o))
What a funny post. Silly snowman! But I guess he doesn't have much in the way of brainpower. Thanks for the factoid on the statues.
Oh, I love the photo of the snowman! :D
One of the best snowmen I've seen: love his nose so much!! Your commentary is just wonderful, too. I never knew anything about the right/left thing. Is that why the left has ill-fame? Must be.
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