Friday, August 9, 2013

OnSTL: Less Than 15 Minutes Of Fame

In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.
Andy Warhol

Andy overestimated it. I got 3 minutes 49 seconds.

There's a really good local website here, It's about life in St. Louis, its people, its events, its vibe. A couple of times a week they have a feature called Hello, St. Louis!, a visit with a St. Louisan who brings something unusual to the scene. For reasons best known to them, today's subject is me.

The photos below are of Ron Stevens and his wife Joy Grdnic, the principal owners, Grant Murphy, the videographer, and Ric Anthony, the studio engineer. They're all delightful people and the visit was a lot of fun. Looks like they may run a photo of the month from St. Louis Daily Photo.

OnSTL is a great resource for locals. You can sign up for their newsletter here.

OnSTL 1 Ron Stevens

OnSTL 2 Joy Grdnic

OnSTL 4 Rik Anthony
OnSTL 3 Grant Murphy


Carraol said...

Congratulations, magnificent interview!

cieldequimper said...

I'll have to watch this later, can't do it fromt the office. Congrats, this is fame! :-)

Stefan Jansson said...

And a good street photographer you are. Congrats to the fame. said...

Wonderful interview. You have a great voice for radio, which I can relate to, as I have a face suitable for radio.

Interesting that both you and Julie got the photo bug from a trip to India. Our display of her people pictures from India in the hall way of our home draws gazes from guests.

Birdman said...

What you do. I might be brave to do some day. Yes, I've seen him in operation. BC, remember the gal in the 'photographic' T at breakfast?

Anonymous said...

That was nice. You were well composed as are your photos. I'd never manage the pressure.

William Kendall said...

Excellent portrait shots, Bob!

Anonymous said...

They SHOULD do a monthly selection from your blog, Bob!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

FABULOUS!! What a great interview Bob, I recognized all of the pictures they chose to show they looked fantastic on screen. Very well deserved recognition!

Jack said...

Hey! Congratulations. I love your portraits. (I am reading this in a coffee shop so I can't watch the video without disturbing folks . . . I will save that for tonight.)