Friday, August 12, 2011

Studio Open House Weekend: Found Along The Route 5

Bittersweet photos, real caring on a budget of pennies. This business is on Cherokee Street, a mixture of Hispanic businesses and restaurants, hip art galleries, run-down art galleries and oddball hipster shops.

Home health care is a significant business with so many Americans confined by chronic illness. Lots of my countrymen like to claim we have the best health care system in the world. Maybe if you have excellent insurance or a ton of money, but for the nation as a whole that's a pile of BS.
We rank 36th among the nations of the world in life expectancy. Geez, Chile, Costa Rica and all of western Europe do better than us.This little storefront agency in South St. Louis does what it can to oppose the fatal tide.



Olivier said...

Pour "l'instant" en France nous n'avons pas a nous plaindre du système de santé, mais avec les réductions de budget (moins de médicaments rembourses , le prix de l’hôpital plus cher , les dépassements d'honoraire exorbitant) , cela commence a se faire difficile et si on a pas une mutuelle soigner coute cher ;(

cieldequimper said...

Oui Olivier. We're heading right to an American situation. Is it inevitable? Probably. Lots of people here can't afford the dentist anymore, lots of people can't afford some medication anymore because our social security (the best in the world, ya know) is bankrupt.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Very controversial subject you've broached here Bob! I think the gist of it is though, wherever you live, if you have to rely on government support when you get older, things could get unpleasant. Which is no way to treat people who have worked hard and paid taxes all their life and certainly if you've been in government, when you retire I'm sure you get well looked after!! Hmm! will have to call back and see some of the other comments!! Have a great weekend Bob!

Birdman said...

I guess praying to Mary is part of the answer.

U "R" Us AKA Captain Crowe said...

Yeesh. That's some stark reality for ya. Here's hoping they get some truly qualified candidates.

Pat said...

Oh, my...what a poignant photo. I am currently looking into homes here, since I have to bring my mother over to Belgrade. She is paying WAY TOO MUCH for her health care facility. Here it is much less expensive and very nice.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Your photos pretty much say it all. I started to rant about the inequities in our health care system but decided it wouldn't be good for my health. Suffice to say that compassion is not part of the public debate. We should all be so lucky as to have the same quality of coverage and care that our congressmen and senators enjoy.

chauffeur phil said...

If some other people in this world learned to stretch a pennie the way that these people do then we would all be better off. I am sure if they had a million more dollars to work with it still wouldn't be enough but I bet they could make it go much farther than a lot of other places.
Along those same lines, if more people spent the time to help a stranger in need a little more the good feeling that comes with it may entice them and others to do a little more. a hand UP is much better than a hand out. Respect, which this country lacks more everyday, will begin to get better. Respect is earned, not free, and these people definitely earn all they get.