Sunday, May 9, 2010

People's Joy Parade

Yesterday brought our
Cinco de Mayo festival along Cherokee Street in our small Hispanic neighborhood. Certainly no lack of enthusiasm, though. The highlight is the People's Joy Parade, organized by local artist Sarah Paulsen. It's free-form creative craziness. These are just a few snaps - more to come.


Oakland Daily Photo said...

Kudos for these posts. This is exactly the type of event that defines people's sense of community.

brattcat said...

That's a lot of joy, though the joy in the middle shot looks a bit subdued.

Virginia said...

OK, I need some help here B. What has Cinco de Mayo have to do with People's Joy Parade? I think you folks in the Lou just sit around dreaming up stuff so you can put on a wacky outfit and have fun! :)Come to think of it, not a bad idea!

Luis Gomez said...

Great pictures! Thanks for the info on Cinco de Mayo.

Pat said...

Awwww....where can I get a flower like that? :)

U "R" Us AKA Captain Crowe said...

Hey that's my friend Pete in the first one! I'm surprised in all your years of documenting the local weirdos that you haven't run into someone I knew before.