Yesterday and today's posts are stupid Photoshop tricks, fooling around with color and light. Is it trashy or arty? Your pick. In one version of this image I cut-n-pasted a couple of flying saucers* into the sky but then decided that was over the top. I think it ended up kinda cool, you know, sci-fi super-glow St. Louis. Boys just want to have fun.
* The French call them cigares volants, flying cigars, a much more poetic name. You can imagine the engine fumes. or just try to imaging flying saucers that have engine fumes. France has got this stuff down.
cela fait penser a un dessin d'architecte, superbe effet.
it makes think has architect's drawings, superb effect.
I think the enhancement is fun, but then I've been known to play with images a bit, so I may not be an unbiased reporter.
They say idle hands are the devil's workshop or maybe his Photoshop! HA Good grief, I don't know what to think about that hot pink building. Looks like something the French might do to me! Flying cigars? Really!
This is almost Warholized! How pink is that building to attract flying saucers? ;-)
I call it arty!! I like the vivid colors.
I really enjoyed looking at all of your pictures of St. Louis. After a year in Denver, I am ready to come back home! Thanks!
Tricks or not, this is a cool photo. The way the color is saturated it reminds me of vintage postcard, circa StL worlds fair.
You make St. Louis look very good. (I almost said The Lou but stopped myself 'cause I'm not crazy about hearing other folks use it.)
I guess the use of your imagination is a splendid exercise for the mind and if you work with Photoshop or a chalk, hearing Steve Reich as a background, is fine and if the result is something beauty like this, well, Cheers!
My favorite pic I took near there.
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