Cold weather seems quieter to me than warm. Fewer people out and about, only a few hardy birds left, no leaves to rustle in the wind. Bare tree branches have much less to say. In the summer people are outdoors and there is much more activity.
As the days become chilly some spots around town get a lonely feel. The ticket windows at the baseball stadium are abandoned. Come spring, this place will be full of chatting throngs.
As the days become chilly some spots around town get a lonely feel. The ticket windows at the baseball stadium are abandoned. Come spring, this place will be full of chatting throngs.
Nice graphic shot. I don't know the first thing about sports -well most of them- but I usually like the logos. Especially here!
may spring and the throngs return soon!
Ya, but there is MUCH warmth in winning. Memory is such a fleeting thing.
It certainly does look a bit desolate Bob, but it's time will come around again soon enough! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Gee, how can this look so desolate so soon after the big victory?
I feel it's a bit quieter these days too. The air is just different in autumn and winter than spring and summer.
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