A sure sign that I have been repatriated: the return of the Thursday Arch Series. This shot was taken lying flat on my back in the grass under the apex of the big hoop. Notice how the windows on the observation deck angle out and down - you can look straight at the grass below if vertigo is not a problem for you.
Gradually getting my body clock reset. Got to get out on the street this weekend and start photographing my city again.
WHAT I HAVE NOT FINISHED DOING: unpacking. Our bedroom floor is a mess.
TOMORROW: strength and stone.
Gradually getting my body clock reset. Got to get out on the street this weekend and start photographing my city again.
WHAT I HAVE NOT FINISHED DOING: unpacking. Our bedroom floor is a mess.
TOMORROW: strength and stone.
Thursday...Arch Series....all's right with the world again. Whew! That trip of yours had MY body clock all fouled up too! If I were up there and looked down and saw grass and someone lying on their back with a camera , If I weren't dizzy as all get out, I'd die laughing!
belle photo macro de l'arche ;o)
nice macro photograph of the arch ;o)
Love that you go the extra physical mile for a shot, not that I wouldn't readily lie under the Arch like that either. Sounds like fun!
Very interesting angle. I did look out those little windows once - I like heights.
Glad you're back. I've missed the Arch!
It gives me vertigo. Not sure many people could figure out what it was, if you didn't tell them.
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