Sunday, July 31, 2011

Artists Open Studio - And Car - Weekend

Jennifer Weigel 1

Once again, it's artists studio open house weekend in St. Louis. About 160 local artists open their studio and gallery spaces to the public. People wander from one to the other, viewing the work, talking to the artists and, we all hope, buying something. I make the rounds, asking the artists if I can take candid portraits of them with their work. This year I was accompanied by team member and daughter-in chief ShadowyOne.

On Saturday, we met one of the most interesting people I've ever run into at these events, Jennifer Weigel. She wasn't affiliated with any specific venue. Instead, she drove her tiny car from one location to another, selling her work out of the back hatch. She passed out buttons that said "Jennifer Weigel Was Here, City-Wide Open Studios, St. Louis, MO 2011." All the artists were wearing them. Brilliant idea.

Her mobile gallery is shown in the bottom two pictures. I really like the Lichtenstein-ish self-portrait on a large sketch pad next to a convenience store soda cup.

Jennifer Weigel 3

Jennifer Weigel 2


PerthDailyPhoto said...

'Have studio will travel' hey Bob, that's what you call keeping the costs down and good on her for that, if she's good, which it certainly looks like she is, she'll sell her work anywhere! The whole weekend sounds like such a good concept!!

brattcat said...

I think, if we're talking about the same thing (and how many times does Brattleboro get national attention in a given week?), it's an interview with my good buddy Archer Mayor. Quite a character. Try to catch the piece when it airs. Knowing Archer, I'm certain it will be entertaining.

Chaotic Black Sheep said...

Thank you very much for finding me and shooting my portrait during open studios this year. It has been a blast touring other artists' spaces and I'm glad to have met you in the process. Great blog; I especially love your portrait photography.

cieldequimper said...

Buying art out of a car boot would be something very satisfying to me somehow.

Birdman said...

Art on the road. Whatever it takes!

Virginia said...

GOod for her. I hope she sold some of her work so she can make a living doing what she loves. Oh that we could all do that.