Thursday, April 18, 2024


During our walk around Washington University, my sister wanted to stop by Graham Chapel. The university has Methodist and Episcopal roots, but the chapel has been without affiliation for a long time. Mary Beth recalled that there were no classes at 11 AM on Wednesday and that there was always an interesting speaker here at that time. She recalled hearing Jane Fonda addressing the students during the Vietnam War.           


Stefan Jansson said...

Whenever I see a church organ I think about the John Irving novel Until I find you.

Sandi said...

Jane Fonda! Wow. I heard she became a Christian several years ago.

Kristy Wehrle said...

Saw Dr Thomas Szasz here, maybe 1973 or so. In the middle of his talk a big golden retriever type dog wandered in, ambled up the center aisle and sat calmly at his feet. He took Q&As forever (Szasz, not the dog...)

William Kendall said...

Very distinctive.