Tuesday, December 5, 2023


The Blogger page where you can review your existing posts and start a new one keeps a running count of how many you have. I noticed last week that the number was passing 5,990. I couldn't believe it at first but this project began in March 2007 and I've published something almost every day I've had Internet access. So, incredibly, this is the six thousandth post of this endeavor. Hooda thunk? I suppose it's kept me on the streets and mostly out of trouble.            


Stefan Jansson said...

Congrats, that is a lot of photos. Nice work of art here as well.

Barbara Rogers said...

That's just super wonderful! Congrats to you! And me, for having found you somewhere not quite that far back, and looking at your photos (mutely mostly) each time you post.

Kathy G said...


Kristy Wehrle said...

Bravo! Serendipity got me here; I was reading the StL Post Dispatch (remember those?) one morning, and came across an article that had something to do with the Cardinals that also included the line "this photo was taken by local attorney Robert Crowe" and I thought "hmmmm..." I found the blog on my work computer and have been following it ever since. I retired in 2013, and the last time I held a physical Post Dispatch in my hand was around 2011, so I figure I have been here around 12 years or so. And grateful for it! By the way, my all time favorite photo is called "Angry Bird" from way back...it shows a little wrenlike bird stomping along a beach - made me laugh out loud! Congratulations on this milestone, and thanks for all the great images!!

William Kendall said...

Bravo on the milestone!