Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Do Or Die

We Do Or Die

He's wearing a Cubs hat so probably more the latter.

The tee shirt brought back a memory and an upcoming dilemma. My son-in-law is in food service management at St. Louis University's 10,000 seat arena. I haven't been to one of their basketball games in ages. They're normally mediocre but they are having an outstanding season this year and getting some national attention. For Christmas, Brian got us tickets to a February game against New York's Fordham University.

There is a common question in this town used as an icebreaker and immediate identification of social status: where did you go to high school? (No place else cares about this.) Well, I went to high school at Fordham. I have a strong memory of the high school and university's fight song. You could get me to sing it for only a couple of drinks. Part of it goes we'll sing our battle song - WHAT'LL WE DO? - we'll do or die. So who am I supposed to root for at the game? Sentimentality favors my adolescent haunt. But, of course, I'm a St. Louisan now and spent seven years at SLU versus four at Fordham. I have a month and a half to figure it out.

BTW, this photo was taken last Saturday under the Arch.


  1. I'm not sure a month and a half will suffice...

  2. En réponse a ton interrogation, en France au début de chaque année, les maires offrent leurs vœux de bonne année à aux habitants , en faisant un bilan et en expliquant l’évolution de la ville. Cela ne se fait pas aux USA ?

    In response to your question, in France at the beginning of each year, the mayors offer their New Year wishes to the people, making a record and explaining the evolution of the city. This does not happen in America?

  3. Hmmmm! what a dilema! Is there any way you can have a migraine on the night. If it was football I'd say eh! but basketball is another story haha!

  4. Wow. Can't believe it's still t-shirt weather there. Looks like he's enjoying the mild temps at least!

  5. I have the same problem when Novak Djokovic is playing an American opponent....

  6. The good think is, you can be happy about the outcome no matter who wins.

  7. As a Reds fan that lived in St. Louis for a while and now live in Arizona, I've had lots of experience rooting for the visiting team. I say, root for either team, but respect both. I'm amazed at how many people "hate" the opponent. Have fun, regardless of the outcome.

  8. How about rooting for the home team to win, but be gracious and cheer for individual good plays by Fordham?

  9. Oh go ahead and sing the fight song when it's played. I can still sing my h.s. fight song and no, I didn't grow up in St. Louis. But I went to Southeast Mo State, where 60 percent of the student body was from the St. Louis area. I got that question all the time. (ans: Kennett)

  10. Funny you mentioned high school question. My son and daughter-in-law lived in St Louis the last two years while he completed a post doc position at Wash U. They moved to Alabama last July. They said the one thing that bothered them about Stl was how everyone wanted to know what high school you went to. Apparently it said much about your status in Stl.

  11. btw, I miss visiting them in Stl, I love the diverse areas.

  12. Sorry about the late post. I agree, it doesn't matter who you root for - have a great time - sing the fight song and revel in the glory days of HS and now. I have a co-worker who hails from Florissant - and the 1st thing she asked me was the HS question. I love it. It one of the things that makes StLouis, well St. Louis. And never had I had another St Louisian hesitate to tell me their HS. Status, perhaps - but certainly an ice breaker. Just a quirk and it belongs to St Louis. BTW - I always wear my Cards gear at an SF game... drives them nuts!
