Wednesday, January 11, 2012



The glower. Beethoven is so often depicted this way. It's hard to read that stone visage. He could be grouchy, determined, tired or just annoyed at a hapless student. He does not look like he's working out the Ode To Joy in his mind.

This bust is in Tower Grove Park, an urban oasis that has a very 19th Century feel. There is a circle of these granite busts on marble columns surrounding an ornate gazebo. Beethoven is joined by other faves of the era, including Wagner, Verdi (those two don't get along very well), Mozart, Gounod, Tchaikovsky and Brahms. They don't get a lot of attention from most of the park's patrons but they do from me.

Mrs. C and I are getting away for a few days - there is a desperate need to clean out the closets of my brain. I apologize in advance for a lack of comments over the next few days. Need to pack tonight and tomorrow is a travel day. We get in pretty late Thursday so there may or may not be a post on Friday. But the destination has fabulous photo ops. All will be revealed soon.


  1. beau portrait et ce choix du b&w. Je suis surpris de voir autant de buste ou de statue de Beethoven aux USA (c'est a cause de Schroeder de Schulz ? ;o) )

  2. Now I'm humming the triple concerto.

    Have a good time.

  3. Love the light and shade and DOF in this photo. Looking forward to knowing where you are going to recharge those batteries. Have a great time.

  4. He's definitely not a happy chappy Bob, maybe he made that face and the wind changed haha! Have a great 'mysterious' trip, look forward to the photos!!

  5. hope this time away gives you and mrs. c everything you need.

  6. This reminds me of the statue of Strauss in the main city park in Vienna.

    Have a good trip.

  7. Safe travels - am looking forward to your next picture posts.

  8. a beautiful black and white on which Ludwig Do not laugh

  9. Joy? That stone face? The mysteries of life...

  10. Looks like he's thinking, "why do these artists make us sit for hours? Just take a damn polaroid."

  11. Nice black and white. Enjoy your time away - it's always a good thing.

  12. This park would be a favorite park of mine. Enjoy the time away.

  13. I like your photo, and the b/w together with the light is vert good.
