Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why Won't They Let Me Shoot From Up There?

Komen Race For The Cure 13

Now that's the way to shoot a public event. The crane is attached to a fire truck and I think the men in the bucket are members of the department. Couldn't they use a volunteer photographer with some good equipment? I'd love to see the images they got.

Komen Race For The Cure 14

Cancer research fundraising can bring you TV stardom, as noted on Downtown St. Louis 365.

Komen Race For The Cure 11


  1. un tres bon endroit pour faire les photos, j'aurais bien aime etre a sa place

  2. Oh yes, that would certainly be a great vantage spot, but I think your shots from ground level were fantastic Bob.

  3. Now you know what your next investment will be.

  4. I think they have some good equipment. The question is, do they have your eye and your skill. Perhaps you should take up volunteer firefighting.

  5. I think their photos won't be nearly as good as yours from the ground!

  6. I'll keep shootin' from the ground.

  7. I remember this year I got onto the official photographer's platform for the Lemon Festival and I got such good shots - well different from below. You need to ask for a pass from whoever dishes them out, Bob. I got mine on account of the blog and so should you.

  8. Honestly your images are as good as it gets. Try and comfort yourself in thinking that they didn't do any better than you. But YES I understand the temptation...
