Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pumpkins Need Police Protection

Pumpkins In Citygarden 2014-10-25 2

I turned around after I took yesterday's photo and got this one. The policemen in the background may have been left over from the gun rally, which happened earlier the same day. 

The pumpkins were gone when I drove by yesterday.                    


  1. Surprised the 'gun rally gang' didn't try some target practice. Shhhhhhhhhh. I might have.

  2. Gone as in stolen or gone as in Halloween is over?

    Both this and yesterday's shots are marvellous. Boy do I love pumpkins.

  3. In St. Louis, just about everything needs police protection these days.

    Beautiful autumn backdrop.

  4. Pumpkins on proverbial parade. Terrific shot!
