Friday, September 19, 2014

What It Feels Like To Be Back At Work After Two Weeks In France

Color Run 2014 11

Being a lawyer can be such fun. As we start law school in this country they teach us a bunch of old English legal maxims, since that's the basis of our system. One has it that the law is a jealous mistress. Enough said.


  1. Nice formulated accompanied by an excellent cry.

  2. Wouldn't want this 'mistress' upset at me, jealous or not. She could break me in half, me thinks.
    ps Galpal of mine (back then) won tickets to Shea. I was some jealous

  3. Needless to say, everyone involved in this needed a shower afterwards!

  4. You have my sympathy, Bob. It is so much more enjoyable strolling around with a camera slung over my shoulder.
