Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another Set Of Golden Arches

Under Eads Bridge 2014-01-11 3

When someone talks about Golden Arches in this country the reference is usually to McDonald's. (Yuck.)  At the river's edge in The Lou we're talking about Eads Bridge. It's complex. The levee goes under the front arches, the street through the next two (second and third from the right in this picture), and then an elevated train trestle through the last. Just off the left of the frame the track enters a tunnel under the Arch grounds.

Eads Bridge is 140 years old and needs continuing maintenance. The entire underside is covered with scaffolding these days. 

Under Eads Bridge 2014-01-11 2

By the way, for those of you who liked Sunday's post, the photo below shows there are other ways to get from St. Louis to the moon. Taken from my office window late yesterday afternoon.

Another Way To Get To The Moon From St. Louis       


  1. la lumiere est magnifique. Sur la premiere photo sur la gauche, on pourrait imaginer une croix en ombre

  2. When I worked for a Missouri Member of Congress, I had the assignment of researching the history of Eads Bridge and writing a statement for the Congressional Record to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Bridge.

  3. That bridge really is stunning. Terrific shots, Bob.

  4. This bridge is going to give you a whole new subject to photograph.

  5. Love the middle shot. What a fine perspective! Great capture and timing as to the bottom one. Great job, Bob.

  6. A helicopter ride to the moon, how cool! I'm glad you're finding some nice things to shoot from your new office window. There's a life after moving then, eh?

    Incredibly low water there. I don't think I've ever seen it so low on your blog.

  7. You are so lucky to have a view of this gorgeous old bridge from your office Bob, not to mention the Mississippi! I would be in arch heaven with this view.
