Monday, December 9, 2013

Seen 2013

David Cerven At Seen 2013

Seen 2014 (or year of your choice) is the big year end photography show and contest at Studio Altius. The opening reception and awards ceremony was Saturday night. David Cerven, above, the owner and impresario, presided. The irrepressible Shawna Ventimiglia is in the bottom picture.

I did okay but other years have been better. I won the photojournalism and humor categories, which were notable for their lack of competition. The PJ category is up and down the center of the middle shot, the top and bottom ones being mine. The prize went to this one. I got the humor award for this. Nothing in the top ten.

There was some awfully good work in the show. Now, to qualify as a photography judge you need to have a few screws lose and a thick skin. (Same for the legal profession.) Everyone knows that. The show's judge's taste sometimes ran to the well-made conventional. Particularly in two categories (which I will not name), the prizes were awarded to technically superb, perfectly-executed, um, well . . . (yes, this is my occasional rant), one an emotional manipulation and the other as banal a topic as you might hope to find. Moral: be true to your own artistic vision but work on your technique.          

Seen 2013 1

Seen 2013 2 (The Irrepressable Shawna)


  1. I think this is cool, Bob. Thanks for sharing the photos and the news. I well remember the PJ winning image--I Just can't remember if it was on your blog or your Flickr.

  2. Félicitation, et superbe le dernier portrait. Tu as raison il faut travailler sa technique, mais rien ne remplacera l'oeil..apres quand il y a jury ..

  3. So interesting to read of photo contests - all different, some voted on by the public, your one obviously not. Meanwhile felicitations on your wins. I really like that first photo.

    re your comments, when I was trying to choose photos for a competition, a sculptor friend in Monaco said to me 'Look through your photos and choose the ones that really touch you, that make you feel an emotion.' I think that's good advice - at least it was for me.

  4. Congratulations on adding to your resume as an award-winning photographer.

  5. Congrats Bob and yes I know what you mean..there was a portrait prize here a while back and the prize winning photograph was ...well lets just say it's all in the eye of the beholder :)
    p.s. Santa has arrived in Perth on a surfboard before, but it seems a sleigh is in order this year!

  6. Congratulations, Bob!

    The photo of Shawna looks priceless!

  7. Interesting account of the contest. Yes some jury choices are more than debatable and it can get infuriating. I wish there were opportunities to hear the jury discuss and justify their choices - it would be interesting to say the least.

    Anyway, congratulations on your two wins. I love that top photo(and the two portraits you did of the organizers, they're real fun!)
