Tuesday, December 10, 2013

An The Winner Is...

Seen 2013 4 (David McWhirter)

David McWhirter, above left, won the photographer of the year award at Seen 2013. It was well deserved. He is prolific and very talented, working in a variety of styles.  He took first in 11 of 30-odd categories. I heard something about him being a judge at Seen 2014, which would clear the way for some of us back in the pack.

There were some lessons for me to learn from this year's show: work more slowly. Think more, press the shutter less. Very hard things for me to do since I spend my work days reacting as fast as I can to a barrage of stimuli. It doesn't foster contemplation.            

Seen 2013 5


  1. I just followed the link, those graveyard photos are incredible.

  2. felicitation au vainqueur, sa galerie photo est impressionnante (j'aime bien sa serie sur Lola van Ella )

  3. The most difficult is to find a style that somebody immediately recognize as , oh he or she made that. Not many reach that point but you can always try.

  4. Winning 11 of 30 categories is indeed impressive.

  5. Good for David! He's got a lot of character in his face.

  6. It's hard though Bob because quite often we don't have enough time to line up the shot exactly, it's a snap or lose situation! I see many prizes coming your way in 2014 :)
