Sunday, June 2, 2013

And While We're On The Subject

99 Cent Socks

This isn't quite like the wrecks in yesterday's post but some merchant has fallen on hard times. Maybe the proprietor should have broadened the product line. The place looks open for business in the photo on Google Street View.

This is at Jefferson and Shenandoah on the South Side. The area is a mixture of not-so-hot, hipsters and urban homesteaders. The photo was taken just a week ago so I think that tree out front is a goner.



  1. The marketing problem may be that most people would not go out of their way to buy socks, but pick them up as an incidental to shopping for something else.

    It is good to catch up with your posts during the past few weeks. We were away in Ireland, and keeping up with the office consumed all of the time and opportunity to access the Internet.

  2. I often think it would be fantastic to have shops that just sell the one type of thing..would make things much easier :)

  3. Is that a music sign below the window? I wonder if the building was originally a music store...
