Monday, October 22, 2012

Airport Security


On our way home as I write this Sunday night during another interminable layover at Dallas-Ft. Worth airport. As old TWA people, we're stuck with American Airlines if we want the perks, mostly cheap international travel. They don't have much non-stop service from St. Louis anymore. Fortunately, we have access to a nice airline lounge with free booze so there's no need for this kind of emotional outburst.

The image was found near Pike Place Market in Seattle. A bit more from the Northwest to come. Need to find some new local material.


  1. un peu extrémiste comme message ;)

  2. I don't think it would be a good idea to wear a shirt like that when going through the security line at an airport.

  3. That's a fast way to wind up spending eighteen hours being questioned by airport security about your off kilter sense of humor!

  4. oh hush, we love your travel stuff B.
