Sunday, December 25, 2011


Tree of Lights

The Crowe family wishes a peaceful and joyous Christmas season to our friends around the world. I am writing this on Christmas Eve in the living room of a prosperous home, MacBooks scattered in every direction, a pile of brightly wrapped boxes under the piano. (No Christmas tree for years. There is a poinsettia on the piano. Good enough for us.) Fabulous dinner, wacky conversation, good company.

It's likely that those of you reading this have similar comforts. It is all too easy in our moment of warm pleasure to forget those who who do not share what we have. There are so many, invisible from our pleasant homes. The photo is the Salvation Army Tree of Lights in Kiener Plaza. It's about fundraising, of course,
and the organization tries hard to manipulate your emotions, but the money goes to important social services (which, heaven knows, the government has largely abandoned in this country). Still, stop and consider. What has each of us done for those in want in this time of celebration? What will we do once the holiday is past?


  1. Excellent photo and thoughtful message. I particularly like the last question!

    Your holiday obviously has been and is being enjoyable. May I add that you and yours have a prosperous new year so you can continue to ask the right questions as you give of yourself. As you pointed out, our country is in need of more social services...

  2. Wise words Bob! I can see this tree from the St. Louis web cam that I visit every now and then. Hope you have a wonderful day full of food, family, and friends.

  3. everyday we must remember to be grateful. everyday we must ask ourselves how best to share our good fortune.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  5. happy christmas, best wishes to you and your family!

  6. Thank you B for this powerful message we ALL need to hear. No matter your religious beliefs or your political leanings, how can we in good conscience turn our heads on those that need it so very much???

    I hope you and the entire Crowe famille had a grand day together. Much love to all of you.

  7. Excellent message, Bob. One we should all heed. A slightly late Happy Christmas to you, Carolyn and your family.

  8. Excellent commentary, Bob, and appropriate photo. I too have a similar post today, to make us think. (Dec. 26th, actually.)

    (And I did give the man I photographed something, though for sure it was not enough.)
