Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Cheer

Lunch At The Stable

#1 Son Andy and First Friend Claire rolled into The Lou yesterday for the holiday weekend. My hearings got finished early (that's a switch) so we met for lunch at The Stable, located at Cherokee and Lemp on the South Side. It's a microbrewery-microdistillery-pub-restaurant. Never heard of it before but then I'm not the barfly I once was.

It was very impressive. Interesting, diverse beers (the Dunkel is a killer). House-made bourbon, grappa, light and dark rum and I can't remember what else. Our great waiter brought us a little sample of the dark rum, which was something special. And the pizza you see above was the best I've tasted in a long time (they make their own dough).

The parent company is apparently named Amalgamated Beer, and who wouldn't want their brew stuck together that way? It is obviously made in small batches. The bottom pic contains very good advice: whatever the question, you should always ask your bartender. Like, maybe, what are you getting for Christmas?

Amalgamated Beer

Small Batch Brewery

Ask The Bartender


  1. Je vois que la fete a deja commence ;o)) alors je prends le train en marche et je te souhaite a toi et a ta famille : UN JOYEUX NOEL

  2. The pizza dough looks good but I prefer mine thinner Italian style! Happy Christmas Eve to you all!

  3. That looks like one great place...I like thicker dough, so the pizza would be fine by me. And the drawing on the left they give you six little samplers of six different beers? There's a place in Seattle I l like that does that.

    Merry Christmas to you, Bob, from Belgrade.

  4. I'd pull up a stool on Christmas Eve!

  5. Love the first photo, great smiles in a warm and cosy atmosphere. You got the light right - not easy in an indoor setting.

    Great post - I hope you did let the owners know about it. Surely they'll treat you to a free beer next time you go!
