Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My First Wedding

Dawn's Wedding 6

No, not as a participant, as a photographer. I went through one of these myself 37 years ago and it seems to have worked out okay. Dawn, our superb paralegal, got married last Saturday. It was a second marriage for her and her husband, Matt, so it wasn't too formal. The ceremony was held outdoors on the small farm that my law partner, Julie Shanahan, owns. Everybody from the office pitched in to put it together.

My contribution was the photography. I told the bride to expect to get what she paid for. Never done this before! I actually got some pretty good stuff, as well as a lot of complete garbage. I think Dawn will like the results well enough.

More of this over the next few days.

Dawn's Wedding 7


  1. bravo, belles photos, c'est une style de photo speciale et pas facile a faire d'etre original, mais cela fait de belles photos

  2. The B&W is a classic and your work is superb!

  3. I must say I was really surprised to read the title of the post. What?! Is he expecting another one??

    Then I understood...

    The ring one is definitely nice.

  4. Super, Bob. I like the thoughtful confident expressions on their faces - they know they've done the right thing. Long life and happiness to them. I love that second photo - poignant.

  5. Oh, well DONE Bob! Hope you enjoyed your first time. Congrats to the happy couple and salute to everyone on the firm for helping them put together what must have been a very warm, intimate, and special wedding.

  6. Oh well done Bob, you obviously made your subjects feel nice and relaxed, love the black and white, looking forward to seeing more.

  7. You done good!! A very close-knit firm, or so it seems. It's great when friends and colleagues work together.

  8. Got some pretty good stuff? Don't tell me you were truly surprised - I never expected less from you!

    Got some garbage too? All talented photographers do - it's just that they get rid of it fast, as no doubt you did too.

    Love those first two pics. I look forward to more...

    I wish many years of happy life together to Dawn and Matt :-)

  9. Looks like you did quite well for being a first time wedding photographer. It is wonderful that your office got together with this wedding. Your paralegal is fortunate to work for such a group and it sounds like you feel the same about her.

  10. Lucky couple to have you as their photographer.

  11. Well you first have to take a bow as our Supreme Highness Eric paid a visit! :)

    Now about the wedding shoot: You did a fabulous job B. The hands made me tear up. I had doubts as I know how hard weddings can be. I should have known you would do a wonderful job for this sweet couple. I would love to see each and every one of your images.

    I think the people in your firm must be very blessed to find each other and work in such a caring environment.

  12. I'm sure she will be happy with your photography.
