Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blogger Poses As Fashion Photographer

From last weekend's model shoot. The dress theme was industrial chic or industrial scraps, depending on the spin you put on it. This young lady had eyes as big as saucers, which drew me into the subject.

Most of the shooters brought a full lighting kit. I had light stands and flashes but forgot my umbrellas (these things), which you really need for this kind of work unless you're using a beauty dish or bouncing the light off reflectors or using a gobo or snoot to limit where the hard light falls or...this all gets so complicated. But I've been taught how to use window or door light for indoor pix (thanks, Bobbi!) and that worked fine. In two weeks I start an intensive course on using off-camera flash at my favorite place on earth, the Maine Media Workshops, or, as I call it, camera camp. After that, I'll be doing this kind of stuff better.

Today's the day the whole family goes up the Arch! Reports to follow.


  1. Haha. I like her arm cuff. I actually love the pose of the second shot. Her arms create a beautiful geometry. And the light and shadow on her skin is incredibly interesting.

  2. WEll well well, this blog has certainly taken a turn this week! Whew!!!:)

    And what I know about lighting would fill a thimble but I agree with Brattcat, that light in the second one is great. I"m not a fan of studio lighting as a rule. I think the window light here is much nicer.

  3. Nice shot!! I enjoy your post!!

  4. These are excellent! It proves that a good photographer will always find the LIGHT!

  5. voila une séance qui devait être très sympa, très belles photos et je trouve que c'est un exercice pas facile.

  6. Camera camp - I'm green with envy.
