Monday, April 13, 2009

STL DPB In Paris: At The Bird Market

We walked around the city for hours yesterday. On the Ile de la Cite, not far from Notre Dame, is an outdoor market selling flowers, garden products, pet fish and birds. One vendor allowed you to hold the birds on your finger and feed them seeds. We met a Spanish couple who had the knack and were kind enough to let me photograph them.

I've spoken quite a few sentences in French to actual French people and have often been understood. Why, last night I made a restaurant reservation without a word of English. Hope they have a table when we show up tonight..

DEMAIN: les photobloggers de Paris (et moi aussi).


  1. Lovely shots. I don't think I'd like to do this tho. Maybe I'm more a dog person than a bird one. So glad you are having such a good time in Paris. Your cemetery shots yesterday were great.

  2. WHAT I"M PROUD OF: That I can read your French aujourd hui!!!! Made a reservation en français."Bravo", as my French teacher would say (with a snicker).

    The Bird Market is on our list for sure. Love these shots today. Madame looks trés chic.

    PS I have a bird today as well. NOT one as exotic as yours however.

  3. Virginia, your list is really getting too long! Will you settle down here for good? (Why not?)

    Bob, you must have been happy to find such nice models, bird and people! :-)

  4. Peter, What a fabulous idea! Now let's figure out how I can make that happen!!!!

    Bob, I'm guessing you and the French bloggers had a terrific day. I 'm SOOOOO jealous.

  5. I can only say, "Ou sont les toilettes?" :-)
