Sunday, October 12, 2008

An Episcopal Cathedral Gone To the Dogs

My invitation in this blog's sidebar to shoot community events paid off. Christ Church Cathedral, our city's largest Episcopal church, invited me to photograph its annual blessing of the animals. I'd never seen a dog in church before except service animals but the Cathedral seemed to have a full kennel operation going. The hounds and other miscellaneous critters were remarkable well behaved. After the service (kept brief for animal attention spans), the congregation and pets were invited to the front, where several priests blessed each and every one. It was great fun. My sincere thanks to the Cathedral staff for inviting me.

WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING INSTEAD OF FOOLING AROUND WITH THE BLOG: packing. We'll be away two weeks. Where is the time going?



  1. What great photos today. I especially like the top one. The light is grand. I need to track down one of these events!

  2. I've been waiting to see these photos, but I mostly I wanted to see your reaction, ST. I think all the critters are calm because it's a neutral space and because everyone is so pleased to show off their babies. I'm guessing that the majority of participants were adults?

  3. These are great photos. What a nice experience this must have been.

  4. Oh that first photo is good - the boy and his dog have the same expression. Blessed be.

  5. Your photos are fantastic but I'm just not comfortable with this dog blessing thing. Sorry.

    I'd missed a few posts so I had a wonderful time browsing back - you're such a good photographer, and your commentary always so apt. I loved all the dancing photos but also the house divide (his/hers)and the Sarah Palin debate flow chart.

    Thanks for everything!!!

  6. Is it just me or did the big dog in the second photo looked terrified? :-)

    Great job.

  7. Great to see the clergy with such a hands-on approach. Adore the expression on the last one and such a trust dachshund. So impressed with the priest. Here the dogs get a desultory wave and that's about it - certainly no touching and that is what is so moving about this, that the guy obviously likes the animals. Great stuff!

  8. The first picture is my son and our little Dixie I love this photo
