Thursday, January 10, 2008

Out of Character

As a rule, I don't do pictures of birds, puppies, kitties, flowers, sunrises and sunsets. I am not a sentimental guy. However, this was what was outside our office windows at 5:15 PM yesterday. The picture does not do it justice (my good camera was at home - sorry for the graininess) but we all liked it so I thought I'd toss it onto the blog. It makes me think of a space probe approaching Jupiter (can you hear fanfare from Also Sprach Zarathustra?).

There is a funny little story to this. I was plugging away at work, staring at a computer screen which is against a wall. My wife called me on my cell phone and said, "Have you looked outside?" "No," I said, "is there a storm coming in?" She told me to get up and look out the window. O - M - G.

TOMORROW: Thursday Arch Series on Friday. I got mixed up. What can I say?


  1. des fois il suffit de lever les yeux pour faire un belle photo, des fois on ne lève pas les yeux et on rate une photo. Tu as raison cela fait penser a des antennes pour prendre contact avec ET.
    Sometimes you just have to lift your eyes to make a beautiful picture, both on not lifting your eyes and you miss a shot. You have reason to believe it has aerial to contact ET.

  2. Sunsets and puppies are gateway drugs to trite photography, but this is not a classic sunset; it's a lighting event! If you had a pond and ducks in front it would be more 'sunsetty' but that wacky communication center makes a dramatic sunset freaky. Love it!

    Thanks for you comment on my Apocalyptic Sunrise

    - Mitch in Minneapolis

  3. Therefore Binyon's imagery obviously has no resonance for you.

  4. The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming!
