Friday, December 7, 2007

Geese Play Through

What do geese do when they don't have the common sense to have flown south by December? They can always go out and shoot a few holes of golf, like this twosome on one of the courses in Forest Park. From my point of view, golfing itself may represent a lack of common sense. Mark Twain described it as "a good walk spoiled." Your opinion may differ.

And speaking of Forest Park, our National Public Radio had a lovely audio postcard on the news Thursday night about Steinberg Skating Rink, one of the largest outdoor rinks in the US. It's been a St. Louis winter landmark for 50 years. You can listen to the story here.

TOMORROW: Cold Center


  1. Cool thanks for posting that link! I heard that yesterday but wasn't really paying attention until I heard the location mentioned at the end.

    And personally I don't think golf is a good walk spoiled as long as it's with friends and beer. It's just a little game of geometry/physics to divert you from lulls in conversation. Much like pool or bowling. Which also go well with beer.

  2. c'est la course des 24 heures des oies ;o). un beau coup d'oeil.

    This is the course of 24 hours geese ;o). A beautiful sight.

  3. Bonsoir, je vais essayer de t'expliquer. Il y a une grande différence entre le telethon français et le telehon américain. Pendant les deux jours du telethon, toutes les villes et les villages de France, lancent des défis qui rapportent de l'argent au telethon, ou produisent des spectacles que les gens payent pour voir et l'argent va au telethon.

    Par exemple, Vendredi soir à Evry, il y avait la nuit de la danse, le but étant de danser toute la nuit, et pour chaque heure, le cour de danse de la ville d'Evry donnait 10 euros par participant.
    A Evry, il y a aussi une course (a vélo ou a pied) qui dure les deux jours, chacun peut venir courir 5km ou 10km et paye 5 euros au telethon pour faire une partie de la course, et a la fin la ville d'Evry donne au telethon 10 euros par participants si la course ne s'interrompt pas pendant les deux jours.

    Ce qui me fait revenir à la statue. Elle s'appelle la "Statue du Telethon" car elle a était faite pendant un telethon, c'était un des defis lancer, faire cette statue en moins de deux jours. Défi réussi, et la statue a été offerte à la ville d'Evry, car Evry est la ville du telethon en France. Il faut savoir que le premier telethon en France, a été fait à Evry, car nous avons le plus grand centre de recherche sur les maladies Myopathies.

    J'espère avoir été simple ;o)

    Sinon, oui en France, Jerry Lewis est considéré comme un des plus grands génies du cinéma, personnellement je suis fan, et je regarde avec plaisir tous ces vieux films, et inversement je ne comprends pas que les américains ne l'aiment, alors que vous rigolez aux versions très lamentables d'Eddie Murphy.

    Bon j'ai fait long, il me reste plus qu'a traduire ;o))

    Good evening, I will try to me explain. There is a big difference between the french and téléthon téléthon American. During the two days of téléthon, all the cities and towns of France, launching challenges that bring in money to téléthon or produce shows that people pay to see and the money goes to téléthon.

    For example, Friday night in Evry, there was the night of the dance, with the night of dancing , and each hours, the court dance from the town of Evry gave 10 euros per participant.
    To Evry, there is also a race (a bicycle or on foot), which lasts two days, anyone may come run 5km or 10km and pay 5 euros at téléthon to make part of the race, and to finish the city of Evry gives téléthon 10 euros per participant if the race does not abort during the two days.

    What makes you come back to the statue. It is called the "Statue of Telethon" because it was made during a téléthon was one of the challenges begin, make a statue in less than two days. Challenge succeeded, and the statue was donated to the city of Evry, Evry as is the city of téléthon in France. You should know that the first téléthon in France, was made in Evry, because we have the largest center for research on diseases Myopathies.

    I hope I have been simple; o)

    Otherwise, yes in France, Jerry Lewis is regarded as one of the greatest geniuses of cinema, I am personally fan, and I look forward with all these old films, and vice versa I do not understand why the Americans would like it, whereas you laughed very lamentable versions of Eddie Murphy.

    Well i take a long time , it remains for me that translate o))
