Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thursday Arch Series

Taken on the same cold winter day as the picture in my first post of this blog, the south leg of the Arch catches the setting sun through broken cloud. It looks extraterrestrial or perhaps even divine, a ribbon of metal falling from the sky into the trees. Okay, maybe that's a bit pretentious. If I had some stout bone and a few large apes, I could pretend that I'm that I'm a low-grade Midwestern Stanley Kubrick and make a picture following a femur and the mysterious steel into the heavens until we see a slowly rotating space station, then associate it with an MP3 of the fanfare from Richard Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra with a segue into The Blue Danube. Man, that would be a lot of Photoshop work.

Are my notes getting too obscure?

TOMORROW'S POST: A Profane Triptych


  1. I've enjoyed the unique perspective and the B&W treatment on both of your arch shots.
    Nice Shot!

  2. C & D - thanks for your note. As I mentioned in my very first posting, the Arch is our local icon and it has become trivialized. It deserves better. I can see about 2/3 of it from my office window and it's always in my windshield going to work. It's magnificent, IMHO. These pictures are trying to find its elements. No idea how long the series will go on. There will be one almost every Thursday for a while, except maybe next Thursday, when I'm out in the middle of Death Valley. Doubt they have WiFi. My son, who does the Chicago CDPB might post it for me.

  3. I hope you keep the Arch Series going for as long as possible; these are really beautiful and powerful images!

  4. Can't get any better encouragement than that, eh? I'm lucky enough to have a print of one hanging above my desk at home. Not seen here yet. But it should be eventually I think. One of my faves, at least.

  5. 'Obscure', is fine, Monsieur. This photo has a quite an ethereal glow. Bravo !

  6. belle perspective de la naissance de l'arche, bravo

    beautiful prospect for the birth of the arch, cheer

  7. A neat photo! If I didn't know what it was, it could easily be those things.

  8. great perspective, nice B&W shot !
