Friday, April 6, 2007

Tattoo Triptych

A triptych is a painting or any image in three panels. There are about a bazillion of them in European churches and museums, like this one and this one, most often on lofty subjects. It's now common to see them made of photographs. However, since my artistic license has been suspended on points, I take my triples any way I find them.

Back at the Mardi Gras parade on a cold, snowy February day. Some people are really ready to let it out and show it off. Click this picture for a larger version and look at the words on the masking tape stuck to his jacket: "HEY POINT [a local radio station and sponsor of the parade] CHECK OUT MY TATTOOZ." Then examine the fine craftsmanship on his back and belly, with the radio station's frequency written with a Sharpie, I guess, over his flaming navel. And I want to tell you, it was cold.



  1. YUK! and on a pimply back too. Can you imagine what that'll look like when he's 80....

  2. surprenant tatouage, moi qui deja tourne de l'oeil quand on me fait une petite prise de sang ;o)
    Bon weekend de pâques

    surprising tattooing, me which already turns of the eye when one makes me a small blood test; O) Good weekend of Easter
