Sunday, September 12, 2021


From certain angles the flags we saw yesterday seem go on and on. It is fitting to honor those who gave their lives for all of us, although we may disagree with their commanders' intentions. What saddens and frightens me is how many of our countrymen are willing to violate what I thought the flag stood for and create a de facto dictatorship of the minority.            


  1. We live in complicated times. I like how you composed this photo Bob.

  2. And the dictatorship-wanta-bees continues to ass-ume their goals are going to make America more what they think America means. Bah humbug.

  3. September 12, 2001, the whole world was on America's side. We fixed that, didn't we?

    Great picture. If you want to see another one, go to my post-
    My nephew was at the right place at the right time to get a great shot of the flags.
