Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Yesterday's post mentioned that we took Ellie to the zoo on Saturday, one of those mild winter days we often (but not always!) get. We are fortunate that our middle-sized city has one of the best in the country. Probably only San Diego is in the same class and its concept is very different.

A number of Asian elephants were out for a stroll. (We've ridden Asian elephants, in Asia, twice, one of which was terrifying and the other more terrifying, but that's another story.) I may be anthropomorphizing too much but these two looked like an affectionate couple or best of friends. They stood for a long time with trunks intertwined, coiling and recoiling. Elephants are intelligent and clearly have an emotional life.                    


  1. That is a lovely scene for a zoo photo.

  2. They are amazing animals. I am glad we still have a great zoo here in St Louis. You were lucky to catch them in an interesting pose.

  3. I love elephants, knowing how herds are centered around matriarchs is just so pleasing to me. I think I wouldn't mind being an elephant!
